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HomeEpisodes SynopsisUyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 7 Full Synopsis

Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 7 Full Synopsis

Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 7 Full Synopsis

Yorgos flip Sanjar off a cliff and orders his men to send Behram to the forest. Yorgos tried to trap the Seljuk soldiers in the forest when he noticed they are behind him. Arslantas and Tapar cannot find Sanjar anywhere. Meanwhile, Sultan Melik Shah knows the betrayal of Elcin. Sultan Melik Shah tells Elcin to go anywhere she wants and to not stay here anymore. Byzantine spies inform Tapar about the death of Sanjar. Dai finds Behram in the forest and blinds his one eye to punish for losing the relics.

Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 7 Full Synopsis

Dai tries to find out the relics and Sanjar. However, Commander Andreas celebrates his victory for snatching the relics from Turks. Andreas learns Yorgos is in love with a Turk girl and tells him to stay away from her. Some wounded soldier accidentally meets with Basulu Hatun and informs her about her son, Sanjar. Basulu Hatun shocked with this news and says that she gave her son to the state, but the state couldn’t protect my son. Sultan Melik Shah gets the news of Sanjar’s death and loss of relics. Afterwards, he quickly calls the soldier and rushes out with them.

Basulu enters the palace and inquires Nizam about her son. Basulu says to search for her son, otherwise, everything will be exposed. Hassan says, “Dai is responsible for everything”. Behram gives information to Dai’s men that Melik Shah is finding him and will set a trap for him. Ilteber questions the rebels and burns their books. Ghazali arrives at the moment and stops him to burn the books. Ghazali tells him he cannot stop the Fatimids like this.

Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 7 Full Synopsis

Fatimids attack Sultan Melik Shah and Seljuk soldiers. But Sultan Melik Shah keeps searching for Sanjar with his soldiers all night. Basulu loses sleep for her son and cries the complete night. Hassan arranges a meeting and orders spies to provoke the people against Seljuks. Tapar and Arslantas realise they have thrown Sanjar off a cliff. Tapar orders his soldier to search along the river.

Accidentally, a group of dervish finds the body of Sanjar, and they bring him to the cave. Hamadani tries to recover Sanjar. Tapar and Sultan Melik follow the track and find out the cave. Sanjar finds the dervish chanting and asks where he is. Hamdani advises him to keep moving on the right path. Hamdani gives water to the Sanjar, and he drinks. He then makes a promise with Hamdani to work for Islam.

Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 7 Full Synopsis

Hamdani tells Sanjar is alive but is in a critical stage and needs better treatment. Meanwhile, Melik Shah orders to take Sanjar to the Kinik plain. Dai’s men and Behram know about Sanjar, and they attack Seljuk soldiers. When Sultan Melik is about to take Sanjar to Kinik, he knows about rebellion. He then asks his son to take Sanjar to Kinik plain.

Elcin returns to her plains and decides to not take part in the war. Elcin wants to rule the people and then killed one person in a meeting. She orders everyone to do what she says. Sultan Melik fails the rebellion and calms the people by mentioning his actions. Turna worries about Sanjar and comes to see him.

Meanwhile, Yorgos knows about the Sanjar and gets furious. Turna takes care of Sanjar and when she was collecting herbs from the forest, suddenly Yorgos arrived there. Yorgos killed the guards there and captures Turna.



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